Author Martin Goldsmith on Following in ‘Alex’s Wake’

Martin Goldsmith is the former host of the show Performance Today, but he is also a writer of non-fiction. For his latest book, Alex’s Wake, Goldsmith headed to Europe to retrace the journey of his grandfather and his uncle, both passengers on the ill-fated S.S. St. Louis.

The ship was supposed to transport 900 German-Jewish refugees to freedom, but was repeatedly denied port - first in Cuba, then in the United States, and then in Canada. Goldsmith’s relatives ended up in France, and finally Auschwitz. He began a conversation with John Lemley by explaining why the United States refused the passengers entry.

Broadcast version of the story that originally aired on November 11th, 2014.

Goldsmith will be speaking Tuesday night as part of the Marcus Jewish Community Center Book Festival. More information on that event can be found here.