Besides The Super Bowl, How Do Atlanta And Boston Compare?

Atlanta Regional Commission

Boston has the T, Atlanta has MARTA. Boston has cream pie, Atlanta has peach cobbler. Boston has baked beans, Atlanta has boiled peanuts. 

Both cities will be convening in Houston to battle out their differences in the most American of ways — through a high-stakes, high-publicity, highly-commercialized game of football. 

Despite the clear divisions between the New England and Southern teams, many fans from both cities will likely be celebrating the game in similar ways: in the stands, on a couch or in a crowded bar, holding a cold beer in one hand and a messy chicken wing in the other.

In the above graphic, the Atlanta Regional Commission pits metro Atlanta and metro Boston head-to-head in a “Data Bowl.” Rather than football scores, however, this “bowl” marks the differences between the two cities according to a number of data metrics – from population to education to poverty rates.

This story is part of a partnership with the Atlanta Regional Commission.

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