Former Candidate Hunter Hill Endorses Brian Kemp In Ga. Governor’s Race
Former state Sen. Hunter Hill has endorsed Brian Kemp in the Republican runoff for Georgia governor. Hill came in third during the Republican primary.
Hill’s endorsement may not come as a surprise given his strained relationship with Kemp’s opponent, Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle. Secret recordings have shown Cagle saying he supported what he believed was bad public policy just to undercut financial support for Hill’s campaign.
That was not forgotten as Hill explained Tuesday why he feels Georgians should vote for Kemp.
“They needed a leader of character who would fight for what was right even when no one was looking. In Brian Kemp, we have a candidate for governor who won’t sell public policy to the highest bidder,” Hill said.
Hill got 18 percent of the vote in the May primary.
Less than week out from the runoff, Cagle and Kemp are searching for as many votes as possible in what’s predicted to be a low turnout election.
Hill’s endorsement comes as Gov. Nathan Deal announced Monday his support for Cagle in next week’s runoff.
Despite that, on Tuesday, Kemp said he would look to expand Deal’s legacy if elected.
“Like Nathan Deal built off of what Sonny Perdue had done for eight years, I’m planning to do the same thing as governor and build off what Nathan Deal has done.”
Deal had said he chose Cagle because he wants a successor who wouldn’t undo what he’s done in office.