Former Teacher Touring South To Commemorate Dead Poets

Listen to the interview.

Attention residents of the Southeast: keep an eye out for the “Poemobile.”

It’s a van belonging to Walter Skold, a former teacher and journalist who travels the country, visiting the graves of poets.

He’s in the midst of a 10-week tour of the South, during which he hopes to commemorate 90 poets.

The journey has already brought him to cities like Atlanta, Charleston and Birmingham, where he actually documented his 500th grave. 

He calls this 6-year-old project the “Dead Poets Society of America” – no relation to the 1989 Robin Williams film. 

In this interview with producer Stephannie Stokes, Skold discussed what he hopes to achieve on his Southern tour, how the son of writer John Updike came to design Skold’s own headstone and why he thinks many deceased poets deserve greater recognition today.