Ga. ‘Unhealthy Behaviors’ Rank Higher Than National Average

Carolyn Kaster, File / Associated Press

Georgia ranks higher than the national average when it comes to people who have unhealthy behaviors, according to a recent report by the United Health Foundation.

The report tracks behaviors associated with chronic diseases, like physical inactivity, excessive drinking and insufficient sleep. The report found 13.3 percent of adults in Georgia have three or more unhealthy behaviors, compared to 12 percent of adults nationwide. 

“This really allows us to predict how unhealthy behaviors will impact health status,” said Dr. Ana Fuentevilla, chief medical officer of UnitedHealthcare Community & State.

She said just having one unhealthy behavior doubles a person’s likelihood of developing poor health status. That rate jumps to 6.1 times more likely if someone has three or more unhealthy behaviors.

The report also found that 27.6 percent of Georgia adults had zero unhealthy behaviors, compared with 28.1 percent nationwide.

Fuentevilla said Georgia, though, ranked better than other states in the South. States like Mississippi and Alabama had the highest percentage of people reporting multiple unhealthy behaviors.