Georgia’s Population Tops 10 Million

More than ten million people live in Georgia now. It’s a milestone the state reached by growing steadily. Georgia’s population has increased by about a 100,000 every year the past few years. It’s the eighth most populous state in the country.

Most of the growth this year is from babies born here. Between July, 2013 and July, 2014, there were 129,389 births in Georgia and 75,557 deaths.

Of the nearly 47,000 people who moved here, more than half came from outside the U.S. International immigrants accounted for 24,818, while 22,106 people moved here from other states.  

For the region as a whole, the Southeast has grown more than any other part of the country. Twice as many people moved to the South as to the West. The Northeast and Midwest both lost population. 

The U.S. Census releases updated population estimates every December. Breakdowns by city and county, and age, sex and sex will come out next year.