Julian Bond’s Legacy In Civil Rights, Politics Recalled

Civil rights leader and former Atlanta state Rep. Tyrone Brooks discussed how Julian Bond influenced him and Bond’s impact on the civil rights movement and politics on “A Closer Look.”Martin Luther King III grew up around Julian Bond and played with Bond’s children as a child himself. King described the early days of the civil rights movement in Atlanta and Bond’s influence on “A Closer Look.”

The list of major events in the life of civil rights leader and activist Julian Bond is a long one.

Bond was the co-founder of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. He was a member of the Georgia General Assembly, the first African-American to be nominated for a major party vice presidential candidacy and chairman of the NAACP ─ and that’s just for starters. 

Bond, 75, died over the weekend in Fort Walton Beach, Florida. He is survived by his wife, Pamela Horowitz, and five children, one of which includes Atlanta Councilman Michael Julian Bond. 

Civil rights leader and former Atlanta state Rep. Tyrone Brooks and Martin Luther King III, founder of the Drum Major Institute, both knew Bond. Brooks and King, respectively,  talked with Rose Scott and Denis O’Hayer on “A Closer Look” about Bond’s life and legacy.