Members of Various Religions Come Together for Food and Fellowship

Members of an array of faiths from Sikhs & Hindus to Jews & Christians gathered over the weekend for the fifth annual “Taste of Faith” in Sandy Springs. Representatives of each faith brought dishes indicative of their culture to share with each other. Aleck Ragsdale has this lookClick “Listen” to hear the radio story

About a hundred people are mingling around several tables set up in Temple Saini. They’re sampling dishes like Indian Matri, Jewish Hallah, and many others.

Gulbarg Singh Basi of the Sikh community says there’s nothing like a sharing a good meal to bring people together

“I don’t know what it is, but eating together, there’s something special about it. Whenever we share thoughts and eat together, somehow it has a very special effect on the mind”.

Imam Plemon El-Amin says the food is really just and excuse and the important thing here is the interfaith dialog taking place.

“I really believe that if we’re ever going to have peace in the world, we’ll need to have peace between the religions and it’s just a matter of us being able to get along with one another”.

It’s the hope of event organizers that interfaith dialogs like this will continue throughout the year.