Closer Look with Rose Scott

Remembering Dr. King’s Legacy, Nonviolence Philosophy

January 19, 2021

Rose talks with Nsenga Burton, the co-director of the Film and Media Management concentration at Emory University in the Department of Film and Media, Ryan Roemerman, the executive director of the LGBTQ Institute at the National Center for Civil and Human Rights and Jocelyn Wilson, an assistant professor at the School of LiteratureMedia, and Communication at Georgia Tech, Illya Davis, the director of the New Students & Transition Programs and professor of philosophy at Morehouse College and Doug Shipman, a Kingian Nonviolence scholar, the founding CEO of The National Center for Civil and Human Rights. The guests share their thoughts on Dr. King’s legacy and his nonviolence philosophy, racial and political division and the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

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