Protestors Call on Regulators to Suspend Georgia Nuclear Project

Southern Company officials Wednesday appeared at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission offices in downtown Atlanta to update regulators on the progress of the proposed reactors at Plant Vogtle near Augusta. 

Protestors gathered outside the offices to voice their opposition.

Representatives of several anti-nuclear organizations beat drums, raised placards, and motioned to cars to honk in support. 

Many of the protestors say regulators aren’t taking into account the lessons learned from last year’s Fukushima meltdown. 

“Coming on the anniversary of Fukushima, they’re not even hesitiating to look at the lessons learned from a plant that melted down and caused several reactors next to it to meltdown,” said Amanda Hill-Attkisson of the Georgia Women’s Action for New Directions. “We’re very concerned that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Southern Company are basically just in it for the money.” 

Attkisson’s organization is one of nine that are partnering to file legal action against the NRC in hopes of suspending the project. They are challenging the design of the plants, which they say doesn’t prevent accidents from spreading to multiple reactors, as happened at Fukushima. 

Despite this concern and others, it’s widely understood that federal regulators will approve the construction license.