Unraveling The Tricky World Of Generating Buzz Around Books

Marketing books can be tricky, and Joshilyn Jackson knows why in this edition of ”Writer to Reader.”

Kim Tyo-Dickerson / flickr.com/76282222@N00

Last time on “Writer to Reader,” best-selling author Joshilyn Jackson gave an in-depth look at the editing process that goes on after a manuscript is turned in to a publisher. That was just part of what happens during the months between a manuscript being turned in and it becoming a book.

The second half of the process is all about generating buzz. This all takes place in what Jackson calls “The Machine,” her phrase that includes a publisher’s art, marketing, publicity and other departments working to make a book’s release successful.

Jackson explains that marketing books can be tricky because each book has a specific demographic it appeals to.

“I can’t say ‘Got book?’ and make you want to read ‘The Opposite Of Everyone’” Jackson says, referencing the “Got Milk?” advertising campaign. That’s where “The Machine” comes into play.

Another part of generating buzz includes authors going on book tour. For readers who want to find out when their favorite authors might be in town, Jackson recommends Authors ‘Round The South, a website that aggregates book tour events around the South.