‘Walking The Bible’ Author On Love Story Of Adam And Eve


New York Times bestselling author Bruce Feiler insists that Adam and Eve, the first couple of the Bible, introduced the idea of “love” to the world.

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“They are the first to grapple, sometimes successfully, sometimes not,” he explains to In Conversation host Valerie Jackson, “with the central mystery of being alive, which is to be un-alone.”

Feiler’s latest book is “The First Love Story: Adam, Eve, And Us.” In it, he journeys across four continents and 4,000 years exploring how Adam and Eve introduced the idea of love into the world, and how they continue to shape our deepest feelings about relationships, togetherness, and social cohesion.

“The problem is that history has dumped on them,” he says, “and made them scapegoats. I think that Adam and Eve… but let’s be honest, especially Eve, are victims of the greatest character assassination the world has ever known.”

“In Conversation with Valerie Jackson” is a series in which the former First Lady of Atlanta speaks with some of today’s most dynamic artists, innovative thinkers and interesting personalities. This program was recorded in front of a live audience at the Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta and originally aired May 7, 2017