In Atlanta Rally, Santorum Warns Centrism Will Mean Defeat in November

Today in an Atlanta rally, Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum hammered Mitt Romney for waffling on a series of key conservative issues.

Santorum continued to stress he’s the only true conservative with a shot at beating President Obama in November. 

Santorum made two stops – the first to Dalton in north Georgia and the second to an airplane hanger in DeKalb County. 

In the DeKalb rally, Santorum blasted the former Massachusetts governor for appearing to waffle on an amendment to the Affordable Care Act aimed at rolling back the contraceptive mandate on health insurers.   

Romney’s campaign later clarified that he did support the amendment, blaming his initial response on the reporter’s confusing question.

Santorum didn’t buy it.  

“My gut reaction would be always – my gut reaction would be – you stand for the first amendment, you stand for freedom of religion, you stand for first amendment rights,” said Santorum.    

He went on painting a strong contrast between his true conservative principles and what he sees as Romney’s moderate views.

”You want someone who at their core beliefs is willing to step up and fight, not putting these issues on the back burner,” said Santorum.

Santorum said after proving he could show strong even in Michigan, his opponent’s home state, the race was down to two. He warned primary voters to choose wisely.

“We’ve sees the pattern when Republican establishment gets their way and puts forth a moderate – whether it’s McCain, whether it’s Dole, whether it’s the reelection of George H.W. Bush, whether it’s Gerry Ford – every time they get their way and nominate the candidate they think can win because they’re a moderate, guess what happens? You think we’d learn our lesson,” said Santorum.

Meanwhile, Santorum in his speech didn’t once bring up Newt Gingrich, who is currently leading in statewide polls.  

However, Santorum did mention that of the three candidates who have won either a primary or caucus to date, he’s the only one who consistently opposed President Obama’s health insurance mandate.

“I’m unique in this race…the only one who didn’t support a government mandate,” said Santorum.

Shortly after speaking, Santorum flew out to Washington state, which is holding a caucus on Saturday.

Related Link: 

Santorum’s Georgia Volunteers Look to Seize Opportunity