Gunshot wounds primary cause of death among domestic violence victims

Gunshot wounds are the leading cause of death among domestic violence cases reviewed in the annual Georgia Domestic violence fatality review. The review was released Monday by several anti-domestic violence agencies at the state Capitol.

According to the review, 75 % of all domestic violence deaths in Georgia in 2010 were due to gunshot wounds victims received from their attackers. The report also found that 56% percent of the cases reviewed by Georgia Commission on Family Violence and the Georgia Coalition Against Domestic violence between 2004 and 2011 died from gunshot wounds. Those statistics are disturbing to GCADV President Nicole Lesser.

“It really speaks to us about needing to get the firearms out of the hands of people who are breaking the law.”

The report also found that 78% of domestic violence homicide victims had contact with law enforcement officers in the five years before their deaths. That’s compared to only 17% who had contact with a domestic violence shelter or safe house. Lesser says that points to the need for continual training for law enforcement.

“Law enforcement does get training, but it’s the kind of thing that you always need brought back to the front of your mind and so we really want to work with law enforcement to keep this front and center and make sure they’re given the tools they need to protect women in the street.”

The report also found that in nearly every case reviewed, the victim was leaving the abuser or making plans to leave before being killed. The review was compiled by the Georgia Commission on Family Violence and the Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence.