Local Immigration Attorney Discusses Federal Judge’s Latest Ruling About DACA Program

Federal Judge Andrew Hanen recently ruled the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, also known as the DACA program, was unlawful, prohibiting the Department of Homeland Security from approving new DACA applications or grant new applicants the protections that DACA provides.

Local immigration attorney Sarah Owings and founder of Owings MacNorlin Immigration Law says she was shocked by Hanen’s decision.

“I was not surprised by the outcome here because he has not been a friend to migrants or anyone who’s putting forth a pathway to temporary for individuals who are here with documentation, explained Attorney Owings on Tuesday’s edition of “Closer Look.”

During the conversation, Owings talked with show host Rose Scott about how the ruling is and will impact people who were in process of being accepted into the DACA program and other immigration-related topics.

To listen to the full conversation, click the audio player above.