Party for Socialism and Liberation, Green Party discuss priorities for 2024 election
The Party for Socialism and Liberation, a self-described revolutionary socialist party, was formed in 2004. Gerald Green II says he joined PSL in 2022 after he became disillusioned with the Democratic Party.
On Tuesday’s edition of “Closer Look,” Green told show host Rose Scott that PSL supports universal health care and seeks to build an anti-capitalist movement for working people.
Green was one of two guests featured on the program’s first day of a two-day series focusing on third-party candidates in the 2024 presidential race and other local and state elections.
During the conversation, he talked about his support for PSL’s candidates, Claudia De la Cruz for president and her running mate, Karina Garcia, and the socialist platform they’re bringing to Georgia voters.
In addition to the PSL, the Green Party is also in play this election cycle. The Green Party has been building its supporter base for more than 30 years and has received accusations of siphoning votes from the Democratic Party in the 2000 and 2016 presidential races.
Gloria Mattera, the Green Party media committee coordinator, talked with Scott about the Green Party’s nominee for president, Dr. Jill Stein. Mattera also talked about the Green Party’s legitimacy and its mission this election cycle, as well as the party’s position on several issues, including reparations and the building of the Atlanta Public Safety Training Center.