DeKalb Board Member Calls for Drastic Change

The DeKalb County school board will face the state board of education at a hearing Thursday. One board member says if the board can’t agree on some big changes, the governor should replace them all. State law requires the hearing since the DeKalb school district was put on probation last month by its accrediting agency. 

  DeKalb board member Nancy Jester writes a blog about the district. Jester says if the board can’t agree on a “drastically new approach” to governing, everyone should be removed, including her.The audio version of this story.

“I don’t take it personally,” Jester says, “I’m here to do something, not be something. So, if I am no longer a board member, I’m still doing something. I’m still going to point out what I think needs to be drawn to the attention of the public.”

Jester says she supports adopting a “portfolio strategy,” which would give schools more local control.

After the hearing, the state board can recommend to Governor Deal whether he should replace the entire DeKalb board. The governor can then decide whether he’ll accept the state board’s recommendation.