Anthony Tambakis Reflects On His First Novel

cover courtesy Simon & Schuster; photo courtesy of Brantley Gutierrez

Author and screenwriter Anthony Tambakis was born in Connecticut and now lives in California. In between, he lived in Cabbagetown. That’s where, some 14 years ago, he wrote the first draft of a novel.

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That novel is called “Swimming with Bridgeport Girls” and it was published just this month.

Tambakis spoke with Lois Reitzes about the heart-pounding plot, which follows a gambler as he tries to win back his ex-wife — all while his own past threatens to run him down.

“He’s just a train wreck at this point, when you meet him,” Tambakis said. “I think stories are fun if you start with the pot already boiling and you just drop your character into it, instead of heating it up.”

While already an award-winning author and rising star of screenwriting, readers may be surprised to learn that “Swimming with Bridgeport Girls” is actually Tambakis’ first novel. He is currently at work adapting it as an original screenplay.