Archdiocese of Atlanta renews green efforts to combat climate change

Pope Francis

In 2015,  Pope Francis called for all Catholic Churches to do more to address climate change and live more sustainable lives in his Encyclical “Laudato Si: On Care for Our Common Home.” (AP Photo/Andre Penner)

In 2015,  Pope Francis called for all Catholic Churches to do more to address climate change and live more sustainable lives in his Encyclical “Laudato Si: On Care for Our Common Home.”

Since then, the Archdiocese of Atlanta took action, conducting water and energy audits and putting together a 7 to 10-year comprehensive action plan.

On Wednesday’s edition of “Closer Look,” Kat Doyle with the office of Life, Dignity, and Justice at Archdiocese of Atlanta, talked with program host Rose Scott about the “Refresh” campaign and how the Archdiocese of Atlanta plans to continue addressing climate change.

“The Catholic Church has a repository of formal teaching on social justice issues, and care for creation is one of the main tenets of what we are called to do in taking care of our common goal,” explained Doyle.

To listen to the full conversation, click the audio player above.