Can LaVista Hills Get a Recount? It’s Complicated

An effort to create the City of LaVista Hills on Tucker’s western border failed by a narrow margin: less than 1 percent of the vote.

Dan Raby / WABE

The DeKalb County community of Tucker won the right to incorporate as a city in Tuesday’s elections. But an effort to create the City of LaVista Hills on Tucker’s western border failed by a narrow margin: less than 1 percent of the vote.

That could mean a recount.

“We realize that people have a right ask for it, and we don’t mind doing it,” says DeKalb County Elections Director Maxine Daniels. “We just have to have a legal basis to do it. It’s close, and so if I were involved with that, I would want a recount.”

Daniels says LaVista Hills supporters have not yet asked for a recount. The results of Tuesday’s election will not be certified until Friday, and she says, as of Wednesday afternoon, there were still 48 provisional ballots to be evaluated. Depending on those votes, final results could increase the margin above the 1 percent that allows a recount.

It was unclear to DeKalb elections officials Tuesday night whether any mechanism even existed for a recount on a referendum question as opposed to a vote for a candidate. Daniels says research Wednesday found the state law that provides for it. A three-member panel called the Constitutional Amendment Publication Board must order elections officials to conduct the recount. The board is comprised of the governor, lieutenant governor and speaker of the State House.