Georgia Library Association responds to the recent rise in book censorship

karen manning
Karen Manning, president of the Georgia Library Association. (Photo courtesy Georgia Library Association)

Conservative groups across the country are launching campaigns to ban books from school libraries that often explore the topics of race, gender and sexuality.

This all comes as the Forsyth County Board of Education recently removed eight books from its media centers, among them “The Bluest Eye” by Toni Morrison.

Gov. Brian Kemp has also signaled he wants parents to have more power over what their kids read.

On Tuesday’s edition of “Closer Look,” Karen Manning, the president of the Georgia Library Association, told program host Rose Scott that the recent rise in the calls for book banning in schools across the U.S. is alarming and she discussed the association’s response.

“Librarians uphold the principles of intellectual freedom, and we will continue to resist all efforts to censor librarian sources, “ explained Manning. “We are able to set aside our personal beliefs and values system to comply with guidelines and ethical codes.”

Manning further explained why it’s unconstitutional for school boards to ban books because a board disagrees with its content.

To listen to the full conversation, click the audio player above.