Gwinnett County 2016 Ballot Measures

Ankita Ackroyd-Isales

Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax Referendum

“Shall a special one percent sales and use tax be imposed in the Special District of Gwinnett County for a period of time not to exceed six years and for the raising of an estimated amount of $950,000,000 for the purposes of roads, streets, bridges, and sidewalks, public safety facilities and equipment, recreational facilities and equipment, senior service facilities and equipment, relocation and renovation of library facilities, library equipment, expansion of the civic center, city administrative facilities, city water and sewer capital improvements, city parking facilities, and city cultural facilities?”

This SPLOST would create a one percent sales tax in Gwinnett County for six years that would raise an estimated $950 million for county and city infrastructure projects including road, library and senior services.

According with Gwinnett County’s website, 78.76 percent of the funds raised would be directed to the county, with the remaining money going to cities, and 65 percent of the county’s share will be spent on transportation. This SPLOST would be the continuation of another SPLOST currently in effect until March 2017.

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