MAC's ATL Action for Racial Equity initiative continues to be a DEI roadmap for Georgia businesses

michael baptiste
Michael Baptiste, Metro Atlanta Chamber's vice president of diversity, equity and inclusion, discusses MAC's ATL Action for Racial Equity initiative and the results of its diversity, equity and inclusion assessment. (Photo courtesy of Metro Atlanta Chamber)

 Michael Baptiste, Metro Atlanta Chamber’s vice president of diversity, equity and inclusion, says if a company does not have  DEI at the center of its DNA its employees and customers suffer the most.

“ I think companies need to pull back the layers and not just look at it from an optics point of view or hey just checking the box of the DEI, so that I don’t get in trouble,” explained Baptiste.

Baptiste made those remarks on Wednesday’s edition of “Closer Look” when Rose Scott asked him about the recent announcements that several companies throughout the country are cutting back and laying off their DEI employees.

During the conversation, Baptiste talked about MAC’s ATL Action for Racial Equity initiative, a multi-year and multi-step action plan to dismantle systemic racism and the results of MAC’s 2023 assessment report.