Multiple ways to understand diversity: Local educators respond to the collapse in DEI programs and initiatives

Multiple reports show a decline in diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives. (Andre Hunter/Anna Sullivan)

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives skyrocketed in 2020 following the murder of George Floyd. But have DEI efforts shifted following the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2023 decision to end race-conscious admissions at colleges and universities?

On Monday’s edition of ‘Closer Look,” Rose talks with Nsenga Burton, an award-winning journalist and entrepreneur, Georgia State University professor and historian Dr. Maurice Hobson and  Illya Davis, a philosophy professor at Morehouse College and the director of New Students & Transition Programs.

The educators discuss the importance of DEI initiatives and programs and how they have been purposely dismantled. They also talk about talk about ways people can successfully navigate in a “post-affirmative action” world.