Closer Look with Rose Scott

Closer Look: State GOP Chair David Shafer Talks 2020; The Dream Team Cycles Across The State, Provides Opportunities for Youth; Labor Commissioner Mark Butler

July 1, 2019

Monday on “Closer Look with Rose Scott:”

  • 0:00: Rose Scott gives a new brief with a roundup of Georgia laws that take effect today.
  • 2:28: Georgia GOP delegates elected former Georgia Sen. David Shafer as chairman of the state party at an annual Republican party convention in Savannah this May. Shafer has previously served as executive director of the Georgia GOP and is the former Georgia State Senator of District 48. He also ran for Lieutenant Governor of Georgia last year. Today, Shafer joins Closer Look in studio to talk about his strategy going into the 2020 election as the newly elected chair of the Georgia GOP.
  • 25:22: Recently released numbers from the Georgia Department of Labor show Georgia saw an increase in jobs during the month of May. The state added 2,600 jobs, bringing its total up to over 4.5 million. The Labor Department also reported other promising statistics such as a decrease in unemployment. But, are working Georgians feeling the effects of these positive numbers? And what do long-term trends tell us about employment in the state? We ask Labor Commissioner Mark Butler, who recently met Closer Look at the DeKalb Department of Labor field office and Career Center. Today, we hear part two of his conversation about the state of Georgia’s workforce with Rose Scott.
  • 37:40: Every year, a group of young cyclists, called the “Dream Team,” bicycle across Georgia. The program was founded in 1994 by the group Bicycle Ride Across Georgia in order to give Atlanta Public School students an opportunity to cycle across the state. Years later, the Dream Team has grown into a program for youth from around Georgia and hosts activities year-round. A Dream Team alumnus, Neiger Green Patrick, Dream Team member Marley Alabanza, and Dream Team coach Atiba Mbiwan, join Closer Look in studio today to share their stories following their most recent trek around the state.’
The entire BRAG Dream Team in Hinesville, Georgia during this year’s cross-state journey. (Photo credit: Courtesy of Brag)
(L to R) Dream Team coach Atiba Mbiwan, Dream Team member Marley Alabanza, and Dream Team alumnus Neiger Green Patrick share their stories following their bicycle ride around Georgia. (Photo credit: Grace Walker)

Closer Look is produced by Candace Wheeler and Grace Walker. Joy Barge is a contributing producer.

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