Closer Look with Rose Scott

Huddle 27, L.E.A.D. use sports to mentor Black male youth

January 17, 2024

Studies show Black male students who have a Black male teacher or mentor have better academic outcomes. Wednesday’s special edition of “Closer Look with Rose Scott” was a themed show that focused on the importance of mentoring young Black boys. Show host Rose talks with several guests, including former professional athletes who exemplify the transformative power of mentorship through their athletic-based programs.

Guests include:

CJ and Kelli Stewart are the co-founders of the L.E.A.D. Center For Youth

Trevon Wilbourn and Jahliel Callahan, students currently enrolled in the L.E.A.D. Center For Youth’s Ambassador program

Walt Harris, a LaGrange native, a retired NFL Pro Bowler and the founder of the mentorship initiative Huddle 27

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