The Art Of Water Preservation At The Blue Heron Nature Preserve

Spanning over 30 acres of land, The Blue Heron Nature Preserve serves its Atlanta residents as a green oasis from the city. Four years ago, the preservation decided to have an outdoor six-week art exhibit that addresses various environmental issues.

Now, The Art of Nature brings awareness to the relationship between art and nature. This year’s theme was chosen to analyze the connectivity of water. The art show will remind Atlantans to be better stewards of the waters by highlighting the interconnected relationships between waterways.

The 2019 Art-in-Residence, Hannah Israel chose eight applicants to complete art installations that represented the theme “Living Waters.” “City Light” host Lois Reitzes spoke with Blue Heron’s artistic director Sally Eppstein and Atlanta artist Julie Henry.

Julie Henry is one of the artists who will be creating large scale leather sculptures that will be hung along the Blue Heron Nature Preserve. (Rachel Jeffs)

Their Earth Day celebration will feature the gallery opening tomorrow starting at 9 a.m. There will be a native plant walk, scavenger hunt, art workshop, yoga class, and an outdoor performance at the Blue Heron Nature Preserve.

The park is located off Roswell Road in north Buckhead.