Like everything else in 2020, Halloween will be different this year. But celebrating with the Center for Puppetry Arts will remain a tradition.
“The Ghastlies” will be hosting their annual event virtually this year on Halloween. The adults-only vaudeville-esque show has been around since 2005. The Center’s Jon Ludwig and Jason Hines created the idea from a wide range of spooky tales and satirical writings.
“City Lights” host Lois Reitzes spoke with executive director Beth Schiavo and the World of Puppetry Museum director Jill Malool about this year’s spooky digital programming. “The Ghastly Dreadfuls: Ex-ZOOM’d from the Tomb” will be on Oct. 31 at 7:30 p.m.
“‘The Ghastly Dreadfuls’ has become an important part of the holiday Halloween here in Atlanta,” Malool said. “It’s this wonderful sort of vaudevillian collection of puppet vignettes that are Halloween related and with some wonderful songs, some of that you can recognize. Just some really great energy.”
Some virtual offerings: