A Day In The Life – Macio T.

On April 23, 2012, Macio T., a former participant in PBA’s partnership with Saving Our Sons & Sisters and the Communities in Schools mentoring program at Washington High School, returned as a guest peer speaker.  Macio stated that he did not know the importance of earning good grades until he became involved in the program.  ”I was about to give up and drop out of school because I had no positive people to lean on,” said Macio. He encouraged the current participants to choose their peers wisely and take advantage of all available resources. “If people are willing to help you, you must seek them out and let them,” said Macio. During the question & answer portion of the session, participants were engaged and eager to know how the events of Macio’s high school experience, environment, personal actions and decision had impacted his future.  Macio indicated that he was currently doing menial work, sharing an apartment, and was “barely making ends meet.”  When asked what teachers can do differently to keep students motivated, he stated that teachers should nurture the students from elementary through high school. He went on to say like his own situation many students are not nurtured at home.  Macio’s story is one of many that will be captured and posted on our American Graduate: Let’s Make it Happen website.