Community Members Seek Answers, Action Following Shooting Death Of Rayshard Brooks

The scene Sunday.

Grace Walker / WABE

Atlanta community members gathered at the charred remains of a local Wendy’s on Sunday to demand action following the shooting death of 27-year-old Rayshard Brooks.

After Brooks was fatally shot by a white Atlanta police officer Friday night, demonstrators gathered in protest over the weekend, shutting down I-75/I-85 and setting fires outside the Wendy’s restaurant where Brooks died.

“Closer Look with Rose Scott” was on the scene Sunday talking to community members and business owners seeking answers and calling for action.

Meanwhile, city and state elected officials addressed the crowd and vowed to advocate for policy change —  from police reforms at the local level to state hate crime legislation.


On Monday’s special edition of the program, Scott discusses solutions with lawmakers. Then, she turned to WABE legal analyst and defense attorney Page Pate for his analysis.

Finally, two veterans of federal law enforcement discuss current de-escalation techniques and training for law enforcement.

Guests include:

To hear all of these conversations in full, click on the audio player above.