Ga. Rep. Al Williams: No Slavery Apology Bid This Year

Georgia Rep. Al Williams, D-Midway, speaking with Denis O’Hayer in his office in the Coverdell Legislative Office Building on Monday.

Denis O'Hayer / WABE News

February is Black History Month.  The Legislature is in session, too.  For many years, some African-American lawmakers tried to pass a resolution in which the state government apologizes, or expresses “regret,” for its role in perpetuating slavery.  In some years, the proposed resolution went nowhere;  in other years, negotiators came close to compromise agreements, only to see them fall apart at the last minute.

Usually, the chief sponsor of the apology resolution was Rep. Al Williams, D-Midway. This year, however, Williams has not introduced a slavery apology measure. In a conversation with Denis O’Hayer on “Morning Edition,” Williams explained why he held off this year, but he predicted the fight is not over.