Georgia comfort dog provides Hope amid crises

"Closer Look" host Rose Scott with Hope from LCC K-9 Comfort Dog Ministry. (Photo credit: Tiffany Griffitth/ WABE)

The LCC K-9 Comfort Dog Ministry is a nationwide ministry that has responded to tragedies across the nation. 

On Monday’s edition of “ Closer Look,” dog handlers Peter Amelingmeier and Sherri Booker, who work with the program from their church in Marietta, talked about their golden retriever named Hope’s power to provide comfort, love and joy to just about anyone she comes in contact with.

They said that Hope, who recently responded to the mass school shooting in Nashville, is highly sensitive and knows what to do in the midst of deployment in a crisis situation.

The LCC K-9 Comfort Dog Ministry, based in Illinois, has responded to tragedies across the nation. Dog handler Peter Amelingmeier and his dog Hope were guests on Monday’s edition of “Closer Look.” ( Photo credit: Tiffany Griffitth/ WABE)

“It’s so hard for us as humans to come up with the right things to say. But a person can come up to a dog, and just hug on the dog, cry on the dog and the dog understands,” said Amelingmeier.

Amelingmeier and Booker further talked with Scott about Hope’s daily work and training.