'Jesus Hopped the A Train' prison drama confronts issues of faith and justice at Actor's Express

“Jesus Hopped the ‘A Train” is a play about a frightened new inmate who is sent to a prison on Rikers Island in New York. (Courtesy of Greg Mooney)

Jesus Hopped the ‘A Train” is a play about a frightened new inmate who is sent to a prison on Rikers Island in New York. There, he meets some interesting characters who make him confront complex issues of faith and justice.

Written by Pulitzer Prize-winner Stephen Adly Guirgis, the play is on stage at Actor’s Express through July 2. In this interview, “City Lights” producer Summer Evans spoke with the play’s director Eric J. Little via Zoom to talk about the show. 

“Jesus Hopped the A Train” is on stage at Actor’s Express through July 2, and more information is available here.