New PBS documentary series explores the complex history of American sites and symbols
The Statue of Liberty on the East Coast, the Hollywood Sign on the West Coast and Georgia’s Stone Mountain are symbols and monuments that tell the complex stories about America history.
They are three of the historic sites that are featured in a new eight-episode PBS documentary series called “Iconic America.”
On Tuesday’s edition of “Closer Look,” David Rubenstein, the co-founder and co-chairman of the global investment firm The Carlyle Group and the host of the new television series, said that the theory behind democracy is to have an informed public — which is what fueled his passion to create the series.
“To erase what’s on Stone Mountain, I think is probably too complicated, would be too politically difficult,” said explained Rubenstein. “But I do think that the people who go there should get the good and the bad of what Stone Mountain is about and should know about it — and also in many cases, people should realize it’s still something that people take a lot of pride in.”