NPU-J chair: Community lost trust after Microsoft halted development in Grove Park

Microsoft said it plans to cut 10,000 jobs, or about 5% of its workforce, in the first months of 2023.

Michel Euler / Michel Euler

Anissa Ferrell,  the chair of NPU-J, says she and some other leaders within the Grove Park community served on an advisory committee for Microsft.

Ferrell said that the group met roughly five times in 2021 and that she was excited about Microsoft’s plan to develop a 90-acre campus in her community.

On Friday’s edition of “Closer Look,” Ferell said things started to shift and communication with the tech giant slowed in August 2022. She further explained that she was shocked and in a state of disbelief when she heard the news about Microsoft’s decision to halt its plans to move forward with development.

“It’s going to be hard for the community to trust again—you know, because we were just strongly excited about this opportunity for them to come in and rebrand the community that has so much history,” said Ferrell.”