Proposed LESS Crime Act Allows Georgians To Give Money To Local Law Enforcement Agencies, Receive Tax Credit

Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan is proposing a tax credit that would allow Georgians to send money directly to local law enforcement agencies.

Stanley Dunlap, a state government reporter for the Georgia Recorder, says if the Law Enforcement Strategic Support (LESS Crime) Act, passes it will allow individuals, families and corporations to donate money to their preferred local police department or sheriff’s office and receive a dollar-for-dollar state tax credit.

“The money will have to be spent for hiring new police officers, training police officers or increasing pay,” explained Dunlap on Tuesday’s edition of “Closer Look.”

Dunlap further talked with show host Rose Scott about what supporters and non-supporters are saying about the proposed legislation.

To listen to the full conversation, click the audio player above.