Rock And Classical Find Common Ground In Band Cordis

Courtesy of Cordis


On its website,the members of cordis describes the band’s sound as if Igor Stravinsky and Sigur Ros started a band together. Each group member is classically trained, but they are able to meld that method of musicality with rock sensibilities.

“Classical music is a very disciplined thing. When we were in school, it was hours and hours of practicing,” said Richard Grimes, founder of the group. “Rock has more of an emotional immediacy.”

In the group, Grimes plays the cimbalom, an instrument similar to a dulcimer. He is one of the few trained cimbalom players in the country, and he also built an electric one, which is most likely the only one in the world. The ensemble also features an electric cello, toy pianos and a typewriter.

“Some of the interesting percussion instruments were the Tibetan prayer bowl, which starts one of the pieces off,” percussionist Andrew Beall said. “Another one is a big metal vase which looks like a space ship … So my setup is a mix of drums and percussion, which allows me to explore my classical and rock side, which is what everyone in the band gets to do.”

Cordis released a new album last month called “Seams.” They will be playing pieces from that album tonight at Smith’s Olde Bar in the Music Room.

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