A Georgia Teen Delegate At The DNC Talks About His Experience

Samuel Parker Short is a delegate representing the 6th District at the Democratic National Convention.

Courtesy of Samuel Parker Short

While the Democratic National Convention streamed online this week, the delegates kept from the convention floor in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, because of COVID-19.

Instead, the delegates were all in their respective homes where most sat glued to their computers.

Georgia’s 18-year-old Samuel Parker Short is one of those delegates.

Short, a first time DNC delegate, was elected along with four other Georgians, to represent Georgia’s 6th District.

He said he was determined to make the most of this experience.

Short added, while he would have loved to travel to Milwaukee and experience the jostling of delegates on the convention floor, he still feels safer and engaged with the convention. “I appreciate how they’ve tried to incorporate not only the delegates, but the voters into that technological process.”

Short is a Spring 2020 graduate of Dunwoody High School. He says he has held elective office in high school statewide. Short added, “I was always interested in running for delegate because of the experience I’ve had in the typical organization of the Democratic Party. I, as a young person, wanted to make sure my voice was reflected.”

Short says he has been sitting at his desk the past few days glued to the process of the Democratic National Convention. And he added, ” I definitely appreciate the Georgia Democratic Party and the National Democratic Party for how hard they are trying to program and involve us delegates.”