According to the Migration Policy Institute, roughly 98,000 undocumented students nationwide graduate from high school each year in the U.S. About 3,000 of which are from Georgia. However, data also suggests undocumented students face significant barriers — such as legal, financial, and social — when it comes to furthering their education.
Under Georgia Board of Regents Policy, students without legal status and DACA recipients are not allowed to enroll at the University of Georgia, Georgia Institute of Technology, and Georgia College and State University.
In an effort to address higher education barriers for undocumented students, TheDream.US offers two scholarships, the Opportunity Scholarship and the National Scholarship, which are now open. On Thursday’s edition of “Closer Look,” Dr. Hyein Lee, the COO of TheDream.US, talks with show host Rose Scott about the history and mission of her organization and its scholarship opportunities.