Valerie Jackson In Conversation: John Lewis

John Lewis is often called ‘the conscience of the United States congress’. He spoke about about his humble beginnings in Alabama, his memories of the Civil Rights movement, and more on the latest “In Conversation.”

Charles Dharapak / Associated Press

In this installment of “Valerie Jackson In Conversation,” we talk with civil rights leader and Atlanta’s representative to the United States Congress for over three decades, Rep. John Lewis.

John Lewis is often called ‘the conscience of the United States congress’. Throughout his life he’s fought for the protection of human rights, the securing of civil liberties and has won the respect of members from both sides of the aisle.

We talk about his humble beginnings in Alabama, his memories of the Civil Rights movement, his political career and his novels ‘March’ and ‘Run’.

“In Conversation with Valerie Jackson” is a series in which the former First Lady of Atlanta speaks with some of today’s most dynamic artists, innovative thinkers and interesting personalities. This program originally aired on Aug. 26, 2018.