Virginia Highland 'Plein Air' Painters celebrate first major exhibit at Botanical Gardens
Painting in the open air, or “en plein air” in French, is the practice of painting outdoors in the natural landscape, popularized by early Impressionists artists. In Atlanta, our city, famously surrounded by a forest, beautiful settings are abundant, and the painting group, Virginia Highland Plein Air Painters, meets weekly to paint outdoors in the metro area.
The group’s first major exhibition, “Summer Blooms,” is on view now at Atlanta Botanical Gardens. Beth Blackwell Cullen is the director and co-founder of the painting group.
In this interview, “City Lights” senior producer Kim Drobes speaks with Beth Blackwell Cullen about the organization.
Virginia Highland Plein Air Painters’ first major exhibition, “Summer Blooms,” is on view at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens through July 30, and more information is available here.