Atlanta poet Julie E. Bloemeke has no choice but to write

Photo credit Julie E. Bloemeke, self-portrait, Mackinac Island
Photo credit Julie E. Bloemeke, self-portrait, Mackinac Island.

On the “City Lights” series “Speaking of Poetry,” Atlanta’s most prolific wordsmiths discuss the art of evoking emotions with words. This “Speaking of Poetry” edition features poet Julie E. Bloemeke.

“Like most writers… I write because I must. I write to survive, I write because I have no choice, because to me truly living means continually creating and words allow me to be in that space” says Bloemeke.

“Anything that takes hold and won’t let me go – an image, a metaphor, a vista, a dream, it’s something I have to follow and to do anything less is not an option for me or for the poem.”