Rare collection of fine art by Dr. Seuss on view at Ann Jackson Gallery in Roswell

Theodor “Ted” Seuss Geisel (aka Dr. Seuss) painting at his easel. (Copyright: Dr. Seuss Enterprises)

“The more you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you’ll go!”

Those famous words were written by the beloved children’s author and illustrator Dr. Seuss. The imaginary worlds he created in his books would transport kids to learn about the environment, accept others who are different and appreciate the importance of education.

Among his many talents, Dr. Seuss was also a gifted fine artist. Throughout his lifetime, he created paintings and sculptures that he stashed away from the public. Now, Dr. Seuss enthusiasts can see a large collection of his artwork on view at the Ann Jackson Gallery in Roswell.

In this interview, “City Lights” host Lois Reitzes speaks with Ann Jackson Gallery owner and curator Valerie Jackson about the exhibit.

“When I was a child, I was reading boring ‘Dick and Jane’ and I wasn’t much caring for it… I got a Dr. Seuss book in front of me and it totally changed my world,” Jackson said.

“The Art of Dr. Seuss” is on view by appointment at the Ann Jackson Gallery in Roswell. More information is available here.